Java application architecture

Enterprise OSGi combines two of Java’s most enduringly popular programming models: enterprise Java and OSGi. Enterprise Java is a loosely defined set of libraries, APIs, and frameworks built on top of core Java that turn it into a powerful platform for distributed, transactional, interactive, and persistent applications. Enterprise Java has been hugely successful, but as the scale and complexity of enterprise Java applications have grown, they’ve started to look creaky, bloated, and monolithic. OSGi applications, on the other hand, tend to be compact, modular, and maintainable. But the OSGi programming model is pretty low-level. It doesn’t have much to say about transactions, persistence, or web pages, all of which are essential underpinnings for many modern Java programs. What about a combination, something with the best features of both enterprise Java and OSGi? Such a programming model would enable applications that are modular, maintainable, and take advantage of industry standard enterprise Java libraries. Until recently, this combination was almost impossible, because enterprise Java and OSGi didn’t work together. Now they do, and we hope you’ll agree with us that the merger is pretty exciting.

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